openstef.tasks package



openstef.tasks.calculate_kpi module

This module contains the CRON job that is periodically executed to calculate key performance indicators (KPIs).

This code assumes prognoses are available from the persistent storage. If these are not available run to train all models.

The folowing tasks are caried out:

1: Calculate the KPI for a given pid. Ignore SplitEnergy 2: Create figures 3: Write KPI to database


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python
openstef.tasks.calculate_kpi.calc_kpi_for_specific_pid(pid, realised, predicted_load, basecase)

Function that checks the model performance based on a pid. This function.

  • loads and combines forecast and realised data

  • calculated several key performance indicators (KPIs)

These metric include:
  • RMSE,

  • bias,

  • NSME (model efficiency, between -inf and 1)

  • Mean absolute Error

  • pid (int) – Prediction ID for a given prediction job

  • realised (DataFrame) – Realised load.

  • predicted_load (DataFrame) – Predicted load.

  • basecase (DataFrame) – Basecase predicted load.

Return type:



  • Dictionary that includes a dictonary for each t_ahead.

  • Dict includes enddate en window (in days) for clarification



To get the rMAE for the 24 hours ahead prediction: kpis[‘24h’][‘rMAE’]

openstef.tasks.calculate_kpi.check_kpi_task(pj, context, start_time, end_time, threshold_optimizing=0.5, threshold_retraining=0.25)
Return type:


openstef.tasks.calculate_kpi.main(model_type=None, config=None, database=None)
Return type:


openstef.tasks.calculate_kpi.set_incomplete_kpi_to_nan(kpis, t_ahead_h)

Checks the given kpis for completeness and sets to nan if this not true.

  • kpis (dict) – the kpis

  • t_ahead_h (str) – t_ahead_h

Return type:


openstef.tasks.create_basecase_forecast module

This module should be executed once every day.

For all prediction_jobs, it will create a ‘basecase’ forecast which is less accurate, but (almost) always available. For now, it uses the load a week earlier. Missing datapoints are interpolated.


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. A description of the CRON job can be found in the /k8s/CronJobs folder.

Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python

openstef.tasks.create_basecase_forecast.create_basecase_forecast_task(pj, context, t_behind_days=15, t_ahead_days=14)

Top level task that creates a basecase forecast.

On this task level all database and context manager dependencies are resolved.

  • pj (PredictionJobDataClass) – Prediction job

  • context (TaskContext) – Contect object that holds a config manager and a database connection

  • t_behind_days – number of days included as history. This is used to generated lagged features for the to-be-forecasted period

  • t_ahead_days – number of days a basecase forecast is created for

Return type:


openstef.tasks.create_basecase_forecast.main(config=None, database=None, **kwargs)

openstef.tasks.create_components_forecast module

This module contains the CRON job that is periodically executed to make the components prognoses.

This code assumes trained models are available from the persistent storage. If these are not available run to train all models. To provide the prognoses the following steps are carried out:

  1. Get historic training data (TDCV, Load, Weather and day_ahead_electricity_price price data)

  2. Apply features

  3. Load model

  4. Make component prediction

  5. Write prediction to the database

  6. Send Teams message if something goes wrong


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. A description of the CRON job can be found in the /k8s/CronJobs folder. Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python
openstef.tasks.create_components_forecast.create_components_forecast_task(pj, context, t_behind_days=0, t_ahead_days=3)

Top level task that creates a components forecast.

On this task level all database and context manager dependencies are resolved.

  • pj (PredictionJobDataClass) – Prediction job

  • context (TaskContext) – Contect object that holds a config manager and a database connection

  • t_behind_days (int) – number of days in the past that the component forecast is created for

  • t_ahead_days (int) – number of days in the future that the component forecast is created for


ComponentForecastTooShortHorizonError – If the forecast horizon is too short (less than 30 minutes in advance)

Return type:


openstef.tasks.create_components_forecast.main(config=None, database=None, **kwargs)

openstef.tasks.create_forecast module

This module contains the CRON job that is periodically executed to make prognoses and save them in to the database.

This code assumes trained models are available from the persistent storage. If these are not available run to train all models. To provide the prognoses the folowing steps are carried out:

  1. Get historic training data (TDCV, Load, Weather and day_ahead_electricity_price price data)

  2. Apply features

  3. Load model

  4. Make prediction

  5. Write prediction to the database

  6. Send Teams message if something goes wrong


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python
openstef.tasks.create_forecast.create_forecast_task(pj, context, t_behind_days=14)

Top level task that creates a forecast.

On this task level all database and context manager dependencies are resolved.

Expected prediction job keys; “id”, “lat”, “lon”, “resolution_minutes”,

“horizon_minutes”, “type”, “name”, “quantiles”

  • pj (PredictionJobDataClass) – Prediction job

  • context (TaskContext) – Contect object that holds a config manager and a database connection

  • t_behind_days (int) – number of days included as history. This is used to generated lagged features for the to-be-forecasted period

Return type:


openstef.tasks.create_forecast.main(model_type=None, config=None, database=None, **kwargs)

openstef.tasks.create_solar_forecast module

This module contains the CRON job that is periodically executed to make prognoses of solar features.

These are useful for splitting the load in solar and wind contributions.


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. A description of the CRON job can be found in the /k8s/CronJobs folder. Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python create_solar_forecast
openstef.tasks.create_solar_forecast.apply_fit_insol(data, add_to_df=True, hours_delta=None, polynomial=False)

This model fits insolation to PV yield and uses this fit to forecast PV yield. It uses a 2nd order polynomial.

  • data: pd.DataFrame(index = datetime, columns = [load, insolation])

Optional: - hoursDelta: period of forecast in hours [int] (e.g. every 6 hours for KNMI) - addToDF: Bool, add the norm to the data

  • pd.DataFrame(index = datetime, columns = [(load), forecaopenstefitInsol])

NB: range of datetime of input is equal to range of datetime of output

Example: import pandas as pd import numpy as np index = pd.date_range(start = “2017-01-01 09:00:00”, freq = ‘15T’, periods = 300) data = pd.DataFrame(index = index,

data = dict(load=np.sin(index.hour/24*np.pi)*np.random.uniform(0.7,1.7, len(index))))

data[‘insolation’] = data.load * np.random.uniform(0.8, 1.2, len(index)) + 0.1 data.loc[int(len(index)/3*2):,”load”] = np.nan

openstef.tasks.create_solar_forecast.apply_persistence(data, how='mean', smooth_entries=4, add_to_df=True, colname=None)

This script calculates the persistence forecast.

  • data: pd.DataFrame(index = datetime, columns = [load]), datetime is expected to have historic values, as well as NA values

Optional: - how: str, how to determine the norm (abs or mean) - smoothEntries: int, number of historic entries over which the persistence is smoothed - add_to_df: Bool, add the forecast to the data - option of specifying colname if load is not first column

  • pd.DataFrame(index = datetime, columns = [(load,) persistence])

NB: range of datetime of input is equal to range of datetime of output

Example: import pandas as pd import numpy as np index = pd.date_range(start = “2017-01-01 09:00:00”, freq = ‘15T’, periods = 300) data = pd.DataFrame(index = index,

data = dict(load=np.sin(index.hour/24*np.pi)*np.random.uniform(0.7,1.7, 300)))

data.loc[200:,”load”] = np.nan

openstef.tasks.create_solar_forecast.calc_norm(data, how='max', add_to_df=True)

This script calculates the norm of a given dataset.

  • data: pd.DataFrame(index = datetime, columns = [load])

  • how: str can be any function from numpy, recognized by np.’how’

Optional: - add_to_df: Bool, add the norm to the data

  • pd.DataFrame(index = datetime, columns = [load])

NB: range of datetime of input is equal to range of datetime of output

Example: import pandas as pd import numpy as np index = pd.date_range(start = “2017-01-01 09:00:00”, freq = ‘15T’, periods = 200) data = pd.DataFrame(index = index,

data = dict(load=np.sin(index.hour/24*np.pi)*np.random.uniform(0.7,1.7, 200)))

openstef.tasks.create_solar_forecast.combine_forecasts(forecasts, combination_coefs)

This function combines several independent forecasts into one, using predetermined coefficients.

  • forecasts: pd.DataFrame(index = datetime, algorithm1, …, algorithmn)

  • combinationcoefs: pd.DataFrame(param1, …, paramn, algorithm1, …, algorithmn)

  • pd.DataFrame(datetime, forecast)

openstef.tasks.create_solar_forecast.fides(data, all_forecasts=False)

Fides makes a forecast based on persistence and a direct fit with insolation.

  • data (DataFrame) – pd.DataFrame(index = datetime, columns =[‘output’,’insolation’])

  • all_forecasts (bool) – Should all forecasts be returned or only the combination

Example: import numpy as np index = pd.date_range(start = “2017-01-01 09:00:00”, freq = ‘15T’, periods = 300) data = pd.DataFrame(index = index,

data = dict(load=np.sin(index.hour/24*np.pi)*np.random.uniform(0.7,1.7, 300)))

data[‘insolation’] = data.load * np.random.uniform(0.8, 1.2, len(index)) + 0.1 data.loc[int(len(index)/3*2):,”load”] = np.nan

openstef.tasks.create_solar_forecast.main(config=None, database=None, **kwargs)
openstef.tasks.create_solar_forecast.make_solar_prediction_pj(pj, context, radius=30, peak_power=180961000.0)

Make a solar prediction for a specific prediction job.

  • pj – (dict) prediction job

  • context – Task context

  • radius – Radius us to collect PV systems.

  • peak_power – Peak power.

openstef.tasks.create_wind_forecast module

This module contains the CRON job that is periodically executed to make prognoses of wind features.

These features are usefull for splitting the load in solar and wind contributions and making prognoses.


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. A description of the CRON job can be found in the /k8s/CronJobs folder. Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python create_wind_forecast
openstef.tasks.create_wind_forecast.main(config=None, database=None)
openstef.tasks.create_wind_forecast.make_wind_forecast_pj(pj, context)

Make a wind prediction for a specific prediction job.

Return type:


openstef.tasks.optimize_hyperparameters module

This module contains the CRON job that is periodically executed to optimize the hyperparameters for the prognosis models.


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. A description of the CRON job can be found in the /k8s/CronJobs folder. Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python
openstef.tasks.optimize_hyperparameters.main(config=None, database=None)
openstef.tasks.optimize_hyperparameters.optimize_hyperparameters_task(pj, context, check_hyper_param_age=True)

Optimize hyperparameters task.

Expected prediction job keys: “id”, “model”, “lat”, “lon”, “name”, “description” Only used for logging: “name”, “description”

  • pj (PredictionJobDataClass) – Prediction job

  • context (TaskContext) – Task context

  • check_hyper_param_age (bool) – Boolean indicating if optimization can be skipped in case existing hyperparameters do not exceed the maximum age.

Return type:


openstef.tasks.split_forecast module

This module contains the CRON job that is periodically executed to make prognoses of solar features.

These features are usefull for splitting the load in solar and wind contributions. This is achieved by carrying out the folowing steps:

  1. Get the wind and solar reference data for the specific location of the customer

  2. Get the TDCV (Typical Domestic Consumption Values) data

  3. Fit a linear combination of above time series to the historic load data to determine the contributions of each energy source.

  4. Write the resulting coeficients to the SQL database.


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. A description of the CRON job can be found in the /k8s/CronJobs folder. Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python
openstef.tasks.split_forecast.convert_coefdict_to_coefsdf(pj, input_split_function, coefdict)

Convert dictionary of coefficients to dataframe with additional data for db storage.

  • pj (PredictionJobDataClass) – prediction job

  • input_split_function (DataFrame) – df of columns of standard load profiles, i.e. wind, solar, household

  • coefdict (dict) – dict of coefficient per standard load profile

Return type:



DataFrame of coefficients to insert in sql

openstef.tasks.split_forecast.determine_invalid_coefs(new_coefs, last_coefs)

Determine which new coefficients are valid and return them.

  • new_coefs (DataFrame) – df of new coefficients for standard load profiles (i.e. wind, solar, household)

  • last_coefs (DataFrame) – df of last coefficients for standard load profiles (i.e. wind, solar, household)

Return type:



Dataframe with invalid coefficients

openstef.tasks.split_forecast.find_components(df, zero_bound=True)

Function that does the actual energy splitting.

  • df (DataFrame) – Input data. The dataframe should contain these columns in exactly this order: [load, wind_ref, pv_ref, mulitple tdcv colums]

  • zero_bound (bool) – If zero_bound is True coefficients can’t be negative.


  • DataFrame containing the wind and solar components

  • Dict with the coefficients that result from the fitting

Return type:


openstef.tasks.split_forecast.main(config=None, database=None)
openstef.tasks.split_forecast.split_forecast_task(pj, context)

Function that caries out the energy splitting for a specific prediction job with id pid.


pid – Prediction job id

Return type:



Energy splitting coefficients.

openstef.tasks.train_model module

This module contains the CRON job that is periodically executed to retrain the prognosis models.

For this the folowing steps are caried out:
  1. Get historic training data (TDCV, Load, Weather and day_ahead_electricity_price price data)

  2. Apply features

  3. Train and Test the new model

  4. Check if new model performs better than the old model

  5. Store the model if it performs better

  6. Send slack message to inform the users


This module is meant to be called directly from a CRON job. A description of the CRON job can be found in the /k8s/CronJobs folder. Alternatively this code can be run directly by running:

$ python
openstef.tasks.train_model.main(model_type=None, config=None, database=None)
openstef.tasks.train_model.train_model_task(pj, context, check_old_model_age=True, datetime_start=None, datetime_end=None)

Train model task.

Top level task that trains a new model and makes sure the best available model is stored. On this task level all database and context manager dependencies are resolved.

Expected prediction job keys: “id”, “model”, “lat”, “lon”, “name”

  • pj (PredictionJobDataClass) – Prediction job

  • context (TaskContext) – Contect object that holds a config manager and a database connection.

  • check_old_model_age (bool) – check if model is too young to be retrained

  • datetime_start (datetime) – Start

  • datetime_end (datetime) – End

Return type:


Module contents