openstef.plotting package


openstef.plotting.load_forecast_plotter module

class openstef.plotting.load_forecast_plotter.LoadForecastPlotter(**data)

Bases: BaseModel

colormap: str
colormap_range: Tuple[float, float]
fill_opacity: float
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

plot(realized=None, forecast=None, quantiles=None)

Create a plot showing forecast quantiles and realized values.

Generates an interactive plotly figure displaying the forecast distribution through quantile bands, the median forecast, and the actual realized values.

  • realized (pd.Series) – Time series of realized (actual) values.

  • forecast (pd.Series) – Time series of forecast values (typically the median).

  • quantiles (pd.DataFrame) – DataFrame containing quantile predictions. Column names should follow the format ‘quantile_P{percentile:02d}’, e.g., ‘quantile_P10’, ‘quantile_P90’.


A plotly figure object with the configured visualization.

Return type:


stroke_opacity: float
stroke_width: float

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